Chapter 5

Chroma key is a great tool during video editing, you can literally add anything that was shot in front of a green screen, on the video, you can shoot yourself at home in front of a green screen and key out yourself in the post and add beautiful background and get an amazing effect, all inside Adobe Premiere Pro. After reading this blog you will be able to key out yourself or any object and understand more about this tool called Chroma key/ Ultra key.

For reading the previous chapters on Adobe Premiere Pro, you must click here.

So let's get started.

I would assume that you had already shot a video in front of a green screen with proper lighting, and you have the clip ready in your computer to start working on it. Also, you must have the background over which you are gonna place the green screen clip.

So go ahead and Open Adobe Premiere Pro, Import the background-clip and place it in the V1 Layer, that is the first layer, and on top of that, i.e, on the V2 Layer, you need to place the green screen clip that you shot.

For example, I am taking a clip of a girl performing ballet on stage, and as the green screen video, I am taking the video of a bunch of audience cheering.

So once you have placed the clips correctly, you need to go to the effects panel and search for this effect called 'Ultra key', and apply it onto the top layer, i.e, the green screen video.

Once you do that, under the Effects controls panel, you can manipulate the settings and key out the green color.

You will see a picker under the Ultra Key effect, you need to select it and then pick the color that you want to key out, in this case, it is the green color, so go ahead and click on the green area of the clip.

Once you do that, you will see that you have already keyed out the subject, the green color will disappear.

But, a little bit of green color would be still visible around the subject, for removing that you need to manipulate the settings under the Ultra key effect, you can do this from the Effects Controls Panel.

There are 4 parameters through which you can control the effect
  • Matte Generation
  • Matte Cleanup
  • Spill Suppression
  • Color Correction
Using this 4 parameter you would need to change the individual values of each Control.

Under Matte Generation, you can control the Transparency, Highlight, Shadow, Tolerance & Pedestal.
Under Matte Cleanup, you can control the Choke, Softening, Contrast & Midpoint.

Under Spill Suppression, you can control the Desaturation, Range, Spill & Luma.
Under Color Correction, you can control the Saturation, Hue & Luminance.

After playing with these values, you can find the sweet spot that removes that green spots around the subject, once you are satisfied with the look of the clip, you can stop doing any further adjustments.

Alright so that was everything about the Premiere Pro Chapter 4, let us leave any other topic to be discussed for another day
I hope that this blog helped you in some other way, stay tuned for upcoming blogs, goodbye!