Chapter 1

Welcome to the second blog about Adobe Premiere Pro, in the first blog we talked about the very basics about this software, and I hope that you had read that blog already, if you haven't then you can read it by clicking here.

Alright so let us assume that we are going on a long journey, a journey to the mountains, where you will face a lot of twists and turns and you need to be ready for it all. One thing that I will assure you is that this journey is gonna be really beautiful, you will learn a lot of new things and come up with your own creative ideas of creating something new.

So let us begin the journey by chapter 1
Today we would learn about the Lumetri Color Panel in Premiere Pro, which is really important to understand in order to master this software, this Panel is used for Color correcting/ Color grading the clips.
There are a total of 6 tools in the Lumetri Color Panel, namely
  • Basic Correction
  • Creative
  • Curves
  • HSL Secondary
  • Color wheels
  • Vignette
Each of these serves a different purpose which we would discuss in detail in this article.

Basic Correction: This tool very similar to what you would see while editing in most of the common video/ photo editing software including Lightroom and Photoshop.
It serves a really important purpose in Premiere Pro and that is to Color correct the clips, Color correct can help fix white balance issues that may occur because of the wrong camera settings or the mixture of different color temperatures in the scene. Color Correction can help fix footage that has exposure problems.

Premiere Pro CC 2019 contains 9 sliders under the Basic Correction Panel
Two of them namely, 'Temperature' & 'Tint' are used to control the White Balance of the clip, say for example you shot a video in a warm tone but later you want to change it to cool or magenta, then this slider would be required to make the job done.

The other sliders are Exposure, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, Whites, Blacks & Saturation, which are basically used to control the tone of the clip.

Creative: This is where the magic happens, this tool is used for Color Grading the Clip, you can apply a Look-Up-Table (LUT) onto your clips using this tool, Premiere Pro already has a lot of pre-installed LUTs which you can use for Color grading the clips.
You can change the Vibrance and Saturation as well using this tool.

CurvesCurves allows you to apply natural-looking adjustments to the brightness and color of your clips. The RGB Curves and Hue Saturation Curves are in the Curves section of the Lumetri Color panel.

Color Wheels & Match: This tool is used for controlling the tones of Shadows, Midtones & Highlights of your clip, you'll see a Face Detection option, which you can turn on for shots that include people, in order to apply correct skin tones. 

HSL Secondary: This tool is used for precision color tools to isolate a color or luma key and apply a secondary color correction to it. An HSL Secondary is commonly used after primary color correction is complete.

Vignette: vignette is an effect that darkens the edges of the frame in your footage. Vignettes can draw the viewer's eye to a focal point, or offer a dark backdrop over which you can place titles. Premiere Pro offers several tools to create the perfect vignette for any needs.

Alright so that was everything about the Premiere Pro Chapter 1, let us leave any other topic to be discussed for another day
I hope that this blog helped you in some other way, stay tuned for upcoming blogs, goodbye!