Chapter 2

Welcome to the third blog about Adobe Premiere Pro, in the first blog we talked about the very basics about this software, and in the second blog we talked about the Lumetri Panel in Adobe Premiere Pro, and I hope that you had read that blog already, if you haven't then you can read it by clicking here.

Alright so let us assume that we are going on a long journey, a journey to the mountains, where you will face a lot of twists and turns and you need to be ready for it all. One thing that I will assure you is that this journey is gonna be really beautiful, you will learn a lot of new things and come up with your own creative ideas of creating something new.

So today I will teach you how you can add some quick effects onto your clip, 
for that, you would need to understand the Effects Panel, through which, you could add effects onto your clip.

Effects Panel is a place where you will need to come every time while making any kind of video, a place where the key to the magical world is hidden, you will find a lot of effects over here that you can apply on your clip which will make your clip better, it contains not just some video effects but everything from transitions to color correction, and a lot more, we will talk about this panel in today's blog.

Under the Effects Panel, by default, you will find 6 folders, namely,

  1. Presets.
  2. Lumetri Presets.
  3. Audio Effects.
  4. Audio Transitions.
  5. Video Effects.
  6. Video Transitions.

Just in case if you don't see the Effects Panel on your screen, don't panic, just click op the Window tab on the top and check 'Effects' Option from there and the Effects Panel will be accessible since then.

1) Under the Presets folder, you can add/ create custom presets.

2) The Lumetri Presets folder contains 5 subfolders, namely

  • Cinematic.
  • Filmstocks.
  • Monochrome.
  • SpeedLooks.
  • Technical.
Under all these folders, you will find some pre-installed presets that you can apply to your clips for giving them a certain look.

3) The Audio Effects Folder is really useful while editing voiceovers in your project, there are a lot of Audio Effects available in Premiere Pro, which includes Amplify, Balance, Bass, Channel Volume, DeHummer, DeNoise, DeReverb, Dynamics, Distortion, Treble, Mastering, Vocal Enhancer, and the list goes on.

You can drag and drop these audio effects on your voiceover and edit the audio,
I personally use many of these effects while editing my videos.
These effects are really useful and can make your audio sound much better.
Let me know if you want a complete blog/ video on editing audio files in Premiere Pro.

4) The Audio Transitions Folder basically contains some transitions like Crossfade which you can add on your audio files,

5) Video Effects is the most important folder under the Effects Panel, it is a place where the key to the magical world is hidden, all you need to do is to let the magic happen, it has many subfolders which contain a lot of Video effects.
Let us keep this topic for another Chapter.

6) Under the Video Transitions folder, you apply a lot of transitions to your clip, Premiere Pro, by default, contains a lot of cool transitions.

Let us keep this topic as well for another Chapter.

Alright so that was everything about the Premiere Pro Chapter 2, let us leave any other topic to be discussed for another day
I hope that this blog helped you in some other way, stay tuned for upcoming blogs, goodbye!