Chapter 3

Do you have issues while editing your audio output? Do you feel disappointed with the audio quality you get from your mic? Or are you upset about people complaining about your audio quality?

If any of the above are your issues then you have come to the right place, after reading this blog, you will be able to flawlessly edit your audio/ voiceover and astonish your audience.

So from now no compromises on audio quality, audio must be the priority and hence reading this blog is very important for you if you are looking for answers for your poor audio output.

Welcome to the Third Chapter on Adobe Premiere Pro, in the first blog we talked about the very basics of this software, In the First Chapter we talked about the Lumetri Panel in Adobe Premiere Pro, and I hope that you had read that blog already if you haven't then you can read it by clicking here.
Chapter 2 was about the Effects Panel, you can check that blog here.

Many people think that editing only involves video processing and trimming clips, they don't understand the importance of audio in the video.
Audio plays the most important role in any video, Imagine watching a movie without any Music & dialogues or of poor quality audio.

In this blog, I would explain to you 5 easy steps through which you can make your audio sound 10 times better than the raw file, all inside Adobe Premiere Pro.
So let's get started.

Before you understand audio processing, I want to give you a few tips that will be helpful for you before you record the audio.
  • Background noise becomes really frustrating while recording audio, noises like Cars honking, birds chirping, Children playing (Screaming), noise from the Fan/ Air Conditioner could drop your audio quality instantly, so I will recommend you to record the audio keeping the above circumstances in your mind.
  • The mic which you are using could drastically change the audio quality of your recording, there are a lot of microphones available in the market. The most common way to record the audio is to use the in-built microphone in your mobile phone or in Earphones, but if you are not short on budget, I recommend that you should purchase a good quality mic. Below are some Cheap, yet better mic that you could purchase on Amazon.

Alright, so now let us understand the 5 magical steps that will make your audio much better.

Step 1: Audio Gain

Sometimes while recording audio the audio is too loud or too quiet, in this case, 
you need to increase/ decrease the volume, for doing that right-click on the audio file in the timeline and select 'Audio Gain', here you can adjust the Audio Gain.
The sweet spot for volume is between -6dB to 0dB, so for adjusting that, select the 'Set gain to' option on the top and type a value between -6dB to 0dB.

That will bring the audio level back to normal.

Step 2: Noise Reduction

So you tried fixing the Background noise in your room? Did you find any solution to that? If not then there's no need to worry, there's an incredible feature in Premiere Pro that allows you to remove the background noise from the audio artificially, using this magical slider in Premiere Pro, you will be able to decrease/ completely remove the background noise in the audio.

Here's where its located,
Effects Panel> Audio Effects> Obsolete Audio Effects> Adaptive Noise Reduction

All you need to do is to drag and drop this effect onto your audio file in the Timeline, it will pop a message on your screen, simply click on 'Yes' and go to the 'Effects Controls' Panel.

You will see the DeNoise Effect in the 'Effects Controls' Panel, expand the 'Individual Parameters' Option by clicking on the arrow on the left, and then expand the 'Amount' Option.

You will see a slider over here, by default it will be set to 40.0%, the first thing you need to do here is to drag it all the way to the left and make it 0.0%.
And then gradually increase the Percentage while playing back the audio simultaneously. Don't go too hard on the Amount because if you increase the value too much then your audio will start having glitches and also start sounding robotic i.e, not soo well in simpler words.

Play with the value and find the sweet spot where the background noise is reduced efficiently and the audio quality isn't dropping, try to keep the value as low as possible because if you increase the value too much then it would destroy the audio quality.

Step 3: Mastering

Mastering Helps to make the audio more clear,  you will find the effect here:
Effects Panel> Audio Effects> Mastering

After applying it to the audio file, you will see the Mastering effect added in the 'Effects Control' Panel.
Click on the Edit option under the Mastering Effect, once you do that you will see a panel on your screen which will contain a lot of sliders, If all the sliders are not visible, you can expand the panel from the edges of the panel (Just in case). 

Under the Presets tab on the top, select 'Subtle Clarity' option, you will see three options on the bottom namely
  • Low Shelf Enable
  • Peaking Enable
  • High Shelf Enable

Check all the three boxes and you will see three individual points on the Equalizer above it, the first thing that you would need to do is to drag the Reverb slider all the way to the left at 0% because we don't want Reverb in our audio.

Now you can play the audio in the background from the timeline and adjust the three individual points under the Equalizer one by one, keep playing the audio back and forth and keep moving each point one by one until you are satisfied with the audio.

Once you are satisfied with the audio, simply close the panel.

Step 4: Bass

A little bit of Bass in your audio would also contribute to making the audio better,
you will find the effect here:
Effects Panel> Audio Effects> Bass

After applying it to the audio file, you will see the Bass effect added in the 'Effects Control' Panel.
From here, expand the Boost option and adjust the value, by default it will be set to 0.0, you can keep it between 1.5-4.5

Step 5: Treble

A little bit of Treble in your audio would also contribute to making the audio better,
you will find the effect here:
Effects Panel> Audio Effects> Treble

After applying it to the audio file, you will see the Treble effect added in the 'Effects Control' Panel.
From here, expand the Boost option and adjust the value, by default it will be set to 0.0, you can keep it between 1.0-3.5

Alright so that was everything about the Premiere Pro Chapter 3, let us leave any other topic to be discussed for another day
I hope that this blog helped you in some other way, stay tuned for upcoming blogs, goodbye!